Taurus New Moon Horoscopes

Grounded Beginnings

Joshua MacGuire
6 min readMay 1, 2024

As we welcome the upcoming New Moon in Taurus on May 7, 2024, it’s an excellent time to reflect on the new developments in our lives and how we can foster growth and stability. This celestial event promises to be a pivotal moment for many, providing a fresh perspective and grounding energy that could help us turn corners in various aspects of our lives.

A Time for New Beginnings

The new moon has traditionally been viewed as a time for planting seeds — both literally and metaphorically. This period encourages us to set new intentions or embark on new projects. The upcoming New Moon in Taurus is particularly significant as it aligns with energies that promote stability, focus, and a return to our core values and needs. It is a moment to pause, breathe, and realign with what truly matters to us.

Two Weeks of Positive Transits

The fortnight following the new moon is expected to be exceptionally pleasant and fruitful. During this time, the good things in life are more accessible, influenced by the luxurious and stable energies of Venus in Taurus. This configuration suggests an ease in enjoying life’s pleasures and accessing what makes us feel content and fulfilled.

The Role of Planetary Alignments

This period is marked by a notable alignment of five planets in Taurus, including Venus, enhancing the earthy and robust energy of Taurus. Venus, being in its ruling sign, is particularly potent and brings a focus on beauty, love, and financial well-being. Additionally, the presence of Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus adds a dynamic of expansive and innovative energy, helping us to embrace changes and adapt to new circumstances brought about by recent unstable times.

Moreover, Saturn’s harmonious sextile with the new moon introduces an element of security and pragmatism. This influence is a call to take practical steps toward integrating recent changes into our lives. Saturn, known for its discipline and responsibility, supports us in building a stable foundation, particularly in financial and economic matters.

Mercury’s Influence

Mercury, still lingering in the shadow of its retrograde until May 13, aligns with Chiron, suggesting a focus on healing conversations and understanding deeper truths. This placement encourages thoughtful decision-making and careful planning, particularly as Mercury prepares to move into Taurus by mid-May, further emphasizing stability and practical thinking.

Looking Ahead

As Jupiter prepares to transition from Taurus to Gemini later in the month, we are reminded of the cycles of growth and expansion that continue to influence us. Jupiter’s movement into Gemini introduces a year of growth in communication, social interactions, and learning, benefiting not just Geminis but other air signs as well.

In conclusion, the new moon in Taurus is more than just an astronomical event; it’s a powerful reminder of the cycles of change and renewal that constantly shape our lives. It offers us a chance to ground ourselves, focus on what truly matters, and move forward with renewed purpose and stability. As we navigate these transitions, let us embrace the opportunities for growth and reflection that this new moon brings.

To discover which area of your life is ripe for new beginnings this New Moon, determine where 18 degrees of Taurus falls in your astrology chart. Additionally, read the horoscope for your sun sign and/or rising sign below.

Aries: As the New Moon in Taurus illuminates your Second House of finances and values, the next two weeks beckon you to solidify your resources and reassess what truly brings you value. It’s a prime time to initiate financial planning or investment strategies that reflect your true desires and needs. This period enhances your sense of security and self-worth. Consider how best to leverage your talents and assets during this fruitful phase.

Taurus: With the New Moon shining in your First House, this period is all about personal renewal and self-discovery. Embrace the opportunity to redefine your identity and how you present yourself to the world. This is a key moment for setting intentions that focus on personal aspirations and physical well-being. You are encouraged to lead with confidence and embrace changes that foster personal growth.

Gemini: This New Moon in your Twelfth House calls for introspection and rest. Reflect on the past year, tie up loose ends, and release what no longer serves you. It’s a time for healing and preparation, clearing the way for your birthday season and a new cycle of personal growth. Use this quiet period to connect deeply with your inner self and prepare for expansion as Jupiter will soon enter your sign!

Cancer: For you, Cancer, the New Moon lights up your Eleventh House of friendships and future plans. This is an ideal time to connect with your community and set intentions related to your social networks and long-term aspirations. Engage actively with groups that reflect your values and contribute to your goals. New connections made now could prove beneficial and have a lasting impact.

Leo: As the New Moon shines in your Tenth House of career and public standing, focus on your professional goals and reputation. This is a powerful time to launch new projects or make strides in your career path. Consider how your actions align with your ultimate objectives and professional ambitions. Use this period to make visible advancements in your career.

Virgo: The New Moon in your Ninth House brings a focus on expansion and learning. This is an excellent time to explore new ideas, engage in educational pursuits, or plan distant travels. Embrace opportunities that broaden your horizons and add to your knowledge base. This period is perfect for intellectual growth and understanding different cultures or philosophies.

Libra: With the New Moon occurring in your Eighth House, this period calls for transformation and deep connections. Focus on intimate relationships and shared resources. It’s a time to address dependencies, investments, and emotional bonds, fostering growth and deeper understanding. This transformative phase encourages profound personal and financial revelations.

Scorpio: The New Moon in your Seventh House highlights partnerships and close relationships. This period emphasizes the importance of collaboration and mutual understanding. Focus on strengthening business partnerships and personal relationships alike. It’s a favorable time to address the balance of give and take in your closest unions.

Sagittarius: As the New Moon illuminates your Sixth House of health and service, this is a period to focus on self-improvement and wellness. Prioritize your health, refine your daily routines, and enhance your work environment. This is an excellent time to initiate new health regimes or organize your workspace to increase productivity.

Capricorn: With the New Moon in your Fifth House, creativity and pleasure are highlighted. This is a time to enjoy romance, artistic pursuits, and leisure activities. Embrace creativity and allow yourself to indulge in hobbies that bring you joy. It’s also an ideal period to explore romantic connections and enjoy the lighter side of life.

Aquarius: The New Moon in your Fourth House brings attention to your home and family life. This is a key time to strengthen family bonds and enhance your living environment. Consider home improvements or deepening your connections with family members. This period supports stability in your personal life and encourages nurturing domestic relationships.

Pisces: This New Moon in your Third House of communication encourages you to express yourself clearly and connect with siblings or neighbors. It’s an ideal time to engage in meaningful conversations, start new studies, or partake in local community activities. Enhance your communication skills and expand your immediate social circle during this communicative phase.

Ground Your Vision: Embrace the Stability of Taurus Season

As we transition from vibrant Aries season into the steadier energies of Taurus, it’s a prime time to build on the new beginnings sparked during the recent eclipses. This month’s offerings are tailored to resonate with Taurus’s grounding influence and the lasting changes initiated by the eclipse season, supporting your personal and spiritual development. Now is the ideal moment to solidify your plans and align more closely with your long-term goals.

Psychic-Astrology Reading: Navigate this stable season with insights specifically designed for your unique path.

Personalized Coaching: While the challenges we face may be universal, the solutions are deeply individual. Personalized coaching acts as a catalyst for personal growth and change, helping you navigate your unique circumstances with steadfast support.

Weekly Classes & Group Coaching: Join me on my YouTube channel every Thursday at 6pm PT/9pm ET for astrology insights, tarot readings, and group coaching.

Harness the grounding energy of Taurus season to move forward with clarity and determination. My services this spring are crafted to enhance your stability and help you achieve your aspirations. If you’re ready to make significant strides, drop me a line and let’s transform this year into a milestone of success!



Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology. psychicsun.com