Scorpio Full Moon Horoscopes

Emotional Truth and Empowering Changes

Joshua MacGuire
7 min readApr 18, 2024
To watch the Horoscope / Tarotscope video for this lunation, visit Joshua the Psychic’s channel on YouTube

On April 23rd, 2024, we will experience an intense Full Moon in the watery sign of Scorpio, marking the end of the eclipse season. This lunation is set to be one of the most emotionally charged and transformative Full Moons of the year. Scorpio, being a deep, passionate, and mysterious sign, will bring a powerful energy of revelation, uncovering hidden truths and promoting profound self-discovery.

The Full Moon, occurring at 4 degrees Scorpio, will significantly impact those born with personal planets or points between 0 and 8 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). The Taurus-Scorpio polarity highlighted by this Full Moon revolves around the balance between personal possessions, values, and security (Taurus themes) and shared resources, transformation, and intense change (Scorpio themes).

Notably, the Full Moon will form a square aspect with Pluto, the planet of power, transformation, and hidden depths. This aspect intensifies the already potent Scorpio energy, potentially leading to profound changes, power struggles, and the need to confront deep-seated issues or secrets. Emotions and feelings will be brought to the forefront, encouraging expression and release.

As you navigate this potent lunar cycle, remember that Scorpio’s energy can be intense, but it also holds the key to profound growth and spiritual awakening. Stay open to the possibilities that arise and trust that you have the strength and resilience to handle whatever comes your way. While it is essential to embrace the emotional intensity of this Full Moon, it is equally important to exercise caution, as heightened emotions may cloud rational thinking, and everyone will be more susceptible to their emotional impulses.

This lunation invites us to find balance between the Taurus-Scorpio polarities and honor the complexities and mysteries of life while navigating the transformative influence of the Pluto square. Expect revelations, endings, and new beginnings as this powerful Full Moon illuminates the path toward personal growth and transformation. Embrace the journey, trust your intuition, and allow the energy of this Full Moon to guide you toward your highest potential.

To find out how the Scorpio Full Moon is likely to affect you, determine where 4 degrees of Scorpio falls in your astrology chart; that’s the life area where you’re encouraged to transform and empower yourself. Likewise, read the horoscope below for your Sun sign and/or Rising sign.

Aries: The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 8th House of Transformation, signaling an intense period of boundary-setting in your close relationships. Over the next two weeks, reflect deeply on what no longer serves you. It may be time to release unhealthy attachments or commitments that drain your energy. Conversely, this transit supports strengthening soul-level bonds and merging resources with those who uplift you. Choose wisely what and whom you engage with now. Focus on empowering connections that help you grow into your highest potential. You’ve got this!

Taurus: The Full Moon in Scorpio activates your 7th House of Partnerships, shining a light on the significant others in your life. Use this time to gain clarity on the direction of your relationships. You may feel called to deepen your commitment to a soulmate connection or release a partnership that has run its course. Be honest with yourself about your relationship needs and desires. Communicate openly with loved ones, and trust that the universe will guide you toward the most fulfilling partnerships. Embrace transformation as you align with your heart’s truth.

Gemini: The Full Moon in Scorpio energizes your 6th House of Health and Service, urging you to assess your daily routines and well-being. Are your habits and work life in alignment with your highest good? This is a powerful time to release unhealthy patterns and implement positive changes. If your current job feels unfulfilling, trust your intuition and explore new opportunities that better serve your purpose. Prioritize self-care rituals that nourish your mind, body, and soul. As you make your well-being a top priority, you’ll naturally radiate vitality and attract abundant success.

Cancer: The Full Moon in Scorpio ignites your 5th House of Pleasure and Creativity, inviting you to prioritize joy, romance, and self-expression. This is a time to reconnect with your passions and let your inner child come out to play. If you’re single, open your heart to new love possibilities. If attached, reignite the spark with your partner through shared adventures and intimate conversations. Pour your emotions into a creative project that allows you to express your authentic self. Trust that as you follow your bliss, the universe will support you in wondrous ways.

Leo: The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 4th House of Home and Family, calling you to nurture your inner world and strengthen your emotional foundation. This is a time to connect with your roots and create a sense of safety and belonging within yourself. Spend quality time with loved ones, and don’t be afraid to ask for the support and nurturing you need. If your living space feels uninspiring, make small changes to create a sanctuary that reflects your true essence. As you cultivate inner peace and security, your outer world will flourish.

Virgo: The Full Moon in Scorpio activates your 3rd House of Communication and Learning, encouraging you to speak your truth and expand your mind. Trust your intuition as you navigate important conversations and negotiations. Your words carry extra power now, so use them wisely. If a challenging situation arises, take a step back and seek a fresh perspective. This is also an excellent time to dive into a new field of study or share your knowledge with others. As you stay open to new ideas and express yourself authentically, you’ll attract exciting opportunities for growth.

Libra: The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 2nd House of Values and Finances, inviting you to assess your self-worth and relationship with abundance. This is a powerful time to release limiting beliefs around money and embrace a more prosperous mindset. Trust that as you value yourself and your talents, the universe will respond in kind. If you’ve been considering a career change or salary negotiation, the stars are aligned in your favor. Practice self-love and surround yourself with beauty and comfort. As you align with your true values, financial flow will naturally increase.

Scorpio: The Full Moon in your sign intensifies your 1st House of Self and Identity, empowering you to embrace your authentic truth and make bold moves toward your desires. This is a time of profound transformation and rebirth. Release any masks or limiting roles you’ve been playing, and step into your full power. Trust your instincts and make decisions that honor your deepest needs and passions. As you fearlessly express your true self, you’ll attract people and opportunities that resonate with your soul’s purpose. Embrace the magic of new beginnings and trust the journey ahead.

Sagittarius: The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 12th House of Spirituality and Healing, inviting you to retreat, rest, and reconnect with your inner wisdom. This is a time to release old wounds, forgive yourself and others, and make space for deep emotional healing. Engage in practices that bring you peace and clarity, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature. Trust your intuition and pay attention to your dreams, as they may hold important messages. As you create space for introspection and self-care, you’ll emerge renewed and ready for the next chapter.

Capricorn: The Full Moon in Scorpio activates your 11th House of Friendships and Future Goals, encouraging you to align your social circle and aspirations with your authentic self. This is a time to connect with like-minded individuals who support your growth and inspire you to dream big. If certain friendships or group affiliations no longer resonate, trust your instincts and make space for new connections. Clarify your long-term vision and take practical steps toward manifesting your ideal future. Trust that as you stay true to yourself and your purpose, the right people and opportunities will flow into your life.

Aquarius: The Full Moon in Scorpio illuminates your 10th House of Career and Public Image, bringing powerful shifts and opportunities for recognition in your professional life. This is a time to assess your career path and ensure it aligns with your true passions and values. If you’ve been considering a change or promotion, trust your instincts and take bold action. Your unique talents and innovative ideas are in the spotlight now, so don’t be afraid to showcase them. As you stay true to your authentic self and purpose, you’ll attract success and fulfillment on your terms.

Pisces: The Full Moon in Scorpio activates your 9th House of Adventure and Higher Learning, inviting you to expand your horizons and explore new realms of possibility. This is a time to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace a more expansive perspective. Trust your intuition and follow your curiosity, whether that means embarking on a transformative journey, diving into a new field of study, or connecting with people from different walks of life. As you open your mind and heart to new experiences, you’ll gain profound insights and wisdom that will guide you forward.

Ground Your Vision: Embrace the Stability of Taurus Season

As we transition from vibrant Aries season into the steadier energies of Taurus, it’s a prime time to build on the new beginnings sparked during the recent eclipses. This month’s offerings are tailored to resonate with Taurus’s grounding influence and the lasting changes initiated by the eclipse season, supporting your personal and spiritual development. Now is the ideal moment to solidify your plans and align more closely with your long-term goals.

Psychic-Astrology Reading: Navigate this stable season with insights specifically designed for your unique path.

Personalized Coaching: While the challenges we face may be universal, the solutions are deeply individual. Personalized coaching acts as a catalyst for personal growth and change, helping you navigate your unique circumstances with steadfast support.

Weekly Classes & Group Coaching: Join me on my YouTube channel every Thursday at 6pm PT/9pm ET for astrology insights, tarot readings, and group coaching.

Harness the grounding energy of Taurus season to move forward with clarity and determination. My services this spring are crafted to enhance your stability and help you achieve your aspirations. If you’re ready to make significant strides, drop me a line and let’s transform this year into a milestone of success!



Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology.