New Moon in Aries 2023


Joshua MacGuire
10 min readMar 20, 2023

On March 21, 2023, we’ll have our New Moon in Aries! With spring just the day before, this lunation kicks off a season of pure energy and fresh starts. Use the two weeks after the new moon to plant seeds and set your intentions! Likewise, if you’re ready, it’s the perfect time to kickoff projects — you’ll have a lot of fire backing you for a successful finish.

This lunation, however, comes with a challenge: Mars in Gemini is making a square to the Aries New Moon. Normally, Aries and Gemini get along well, but in this case, the positions of the planets will make them clash a bit. You can think of this clash like two people trying to go in different directions at the same time — it creates tension and can be tricky to navigate. Luckily, these kinds of challenges can help us learn and grow. Use this opportunity to learn something new or find a creative solution to a problem. With a little bit of effort, you can work through this tension and come out even stronger on the other side.

To find out where the Aries New Moon is heralding a new beginning in your life, see where 0 degrees of Aries in your chart; to determine where Mars will be making square (challenge) find 28 degrees Gemini. These will be the two areas that you have to reconcile for best effect. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.



Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology.