Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes

Balance Is Beautiful

Joshua MacGuire
6 min readMar 22, 2024

On March 25th, 2024, a celestial spectacle unfolds as the skies are graced by the transformative influence of a full moon lunar eclipse in Libra. This cosmic event heralds a moment of profound change, especially within the intricate tapestry of relationships and personal evolution. Libra’s gentle yet potent touch emphasizes the essence of balance, harmony, and meaningful connections, inviting us to embark on a journey of introspection and growth.

This eclipse acts as a cosmic beacon, illuminating the path toward a new era of existence. With Pluto’s alignment in Aquarius enhancing the intensity of this celestial phenomenon, the energies are charged with transformative potential. It’s a time of commitments solidified and destinies embraced, echoing the timeless wisdom that when one commits, the universe conspires to support.

At its heart, this eclipse pulsates with the essence of commitment, urging us to let our souls guide our decisions. It propels us forward on our soul’s journey, nudging us toward our true purpose in relationships, careers, and personal development. Yet, the eclipse’s impact is deeply personal, intertwined with the unique configurations of individual natal charts.

For those whose charts are touched by the cardinal signs between 0 and 10 degrees (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn), the eclipse’s effects will be particularly potent. It serves as a resounding call to embrace freedom, adventure, and authenticity, compelling us to shed the constraints of the past and embrace the beckoning of our souls.

As with all eclipses, this lunar event serves as a wildcard, ushering in endings and revelations that pave the way for new beginnings. While this penumbral eclipse in Libra may feel subtler, its significance remains profound. It’s a moment to release outdated patterns, especially within the realm of relationships, and realign our connections to support our growth and evolution.

This eclipse cycle invites us to reflect on the past, drawing parallels to the period of 2004 to 2006 when the lunar nodes last traversed Aries and Libra. By examining past transformations, we glean insights into the opportunities and challenges presented by the current cosmic dance.

With relationships under Libra’s gentle scrutiny, this eclipse prompts us to evaluate the quality of our connections and their alignment with our soul’s journey. Whether in romantic partnerships, friendships, or business alliances, it’s a time to ensure that our relationships nurture our growth and evolution.

Guiding this celestial performance are Venus and Jupiter, engaged in a harmonious dance that promises growth, expansion, and tangible blessings. Their alignment invites us to infuse our lives with love, beauty, and abundance, fostering a deeper sense of fulfillment and joy.

As we navigate the currents of this Libra full moon lunar eclipse, let us heed the call to action it presents. Let us step boldly beyond our comfort zones, make decisions aligned with our true selves, and embrace the transformative energies at play. In doing so, we open ourselves to a new chapter of existence — one infused with purpose, fulfillment, and the boundless possibilities of the cosmos.

To understand the impact of the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on you, identify where 5° of Libra is located in your astrological chart. Also, read the horoscope for your sun and/or rising sign above. If you’re intrigued by what this eclipse could mean for your personal journey, consider booking a psychic-astrology reading for an in-depth exploration.

Aries: As the lunar eclipse shines its light on your partnerships, Aries, it’s a moment to reflect on the dynamics of your relationships. Are you striking a balance between giving and receiving? If things feel out of sync, this eclipse offers an opportunity to recalibrate. Embrace the chance to deepen your connections, ensuring they ignite the same passion and energy that defines you. Don’t hesitate to initiate those conversations that could lead to transformative shifts in your partnerships.

Taurus: With the lunar eclipse casting its glow on your daily routines and health, Taurus, it’s time to take stock of how you’re living your life. Are your work habits overshadowing your well-being? This cosmic event urges you to establish routines that honor both your professional ambitions and your physical health. Additionally, pay attention to how your habits affect your relationships — it’s all connected, and finding balance is key to harmony in all areas of your life.

Gemini: Gemini, prepare for a burst of creativity and romance as the lunar eclipse energizes your love life and creative pursuits. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut, now’s the time to infuse your world with excitement. Whether single or coupled up, Libra’s influence encourages you to seek harmony and pleasure in your interactions. And for those of you engaged in creative endeavors, expect a surge of inspiration to propel you forward toward your goals.

Cancer: Home and family take center stage during this lunar eclipse, Cancer. It’s a moment to address any imbalances in your domestic life and create a sanctuary that nurtures your soul. Reflect on how your personal relationships influence your sense of security and take steps to strengthen those bonds. By fostering harmony within your home, you’ll cultivate a supportive environment that fuels your personal growth and emotional well-being.

Leo: Communication is key during this eclipse, Leo. It’s time to speak your truth and clear the air in your relationships. If there have been misunderstandings or conversations you’ve been avoiding, now’s the time to address them head-on. Additionally, consider reaching out to siblings or neighbors — building connections within your community can bring valuable support and enrich your life in unexpected ways.

Virgo: Virgo, the lunar eclipse prompts you to examine your values and resources. Take a closer look at your relationship with money and possessions — are they aligned with your core values? This is also a time to consider how your material world impacts your partnerships. Strive for balance, ensuring that your resources support your overall well-being and contribute to harmony in your relationships.

Libra: With this lunar eclipse shining its light on your sign, Libra, it’s a potent moment for self-reflection and recalibration in your relationships. Take stock of your needs and ensure they align with the needs of others. Embrace your individuality and assert your needs — finding a balance that fosters personal growth while enriching your connections is key. Consider this an opportunity to fine-tune your approach to partnerships, enhancing mutual understanding and respect.

Scorpio: Scorpio, this eclipse invites you to dive deep and confront subconscious patterns affecting your relationships. Let go of past grievances and fears — it’s time to embrace a fresh start. Pay attention to your intuition and the messages from your dreams, as they hold valuable insights that can guide you toward more balanced and meaningful connections with others.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius, this eclipse illuminates your friendships and social circles. Take a moment to reflect on your role within your community and how your relationships align with your broader goals. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you, and seek out opportunities for collaboration and connection. Building harmonious relationships within your social sphere can lead to new and enriching experiences.

Capricorn: Career and public image take the spotlight for you during this lunar eclipse, Capricorn. It’s a moment to find balance between your professional aspirations and your personal life, particularly your relationships. Consider how your career choices impact your partnerships and strive for equilibrium. Success is sweeter when shared, so ensure that your drive for achievement complements rather than conflicts with your personal connections.

Aquarius: Aquarius, this eclipse sparks a desire for growth and expansion, especially in the realm of knowledge and beliefs. Explore new perspectives and indulge your thirst for learning. Connect with others who share your philosophies and beliefs, and consider embarking on a journey — whether physical or intellectual — that broadens your horizons. Embrace the opportunities for growth and connection that this eclipse brings.

Pisces: Pisces, this lunar eclipse delves into the depths of your psyche, focusing on intimacy and shared resources. Take a moment to address any imbalances in your closest relationships and strive for transparency and honesty. By fostering open communication and mutual understanding, you can deepen your connections and strengthen the bonds that unite you with others. Embrace the journey toward greater intimacy and connection — it’s where true growth and fulfillment lie.

Unlock the full potential of this lunar eclipse by considering a personalized psychic-astrology reading. Gain valuable insights into how this celestial event impacts your life and receive guidance on navigating its energies effectively. Book your reading today to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.



Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology.