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The first Full Moon of spring will be on April 5/6, 2023. Appropriately called the “Pink Moon,” it falls under the sign of love, romance, and beauty, which balances the fiery and self-centered energy of the Aries New Moon that happened two weeks prior. During the Aries New Moon, we needed to be strong-willed and determined, but now, during the Libra Full Moon, it’s important to consider others and not bulldoze over them to achieve our goals.
Libra represents peace, harmony, courtesy, beauty, and elegance, and it’s the only zodiac sign ruled by an inanimate object, the scales. This unique feature enables Libra to be objective and see both sides of a situation or problem, helping us examine our actions and bring balance to our lives where it’s needed.
Aspects this Lunation
As for the aspects of this lunation, several things are worth noting. Firstly, the Aries sun will conjunct both lucky Jupiter and the wounded healer Chiron, bringing a great deal of healing, particularly in relationships. With Jupiter’s involvement, we can…