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Gemini Full Moon Horoscopes
Making the Right Choice
From choosing a partner to choosing dinner, we are all products of the choices we make. The Full Moon on December 7, 2022 is in Gemini, which rules choice, so our decisions will be important. Since happiness is based on value-fulfillment, the more decisions we make based on our values, the happier we will be.
It’s tricky because Uranus, the planet of change that shakes things up, has been in Taurus, the sign that governs values; therefore, collectively, our values are shifting. Habit can sometimes be mistaken for instinct, so it’ll be important to ask ourselves this Full Moon, “What do I really care about?” “What matters to me most?” “What do I want my future to look like?”
The Gemini Full Moon will be mere seconds from exactitude with Mars, which is retrograde. Mars rules action, drive, initiative, passion, and anger; when retrograde, it’s time to review how we use Mars’ energy in our lives and to adjust as necessary.
Under Mars retrograde, the essential rule is “he who initiates loses.” This is particularly true for Mars-like endeavors; historically, for instance, countries who waged war and fired the first shot lost when they did so under Mars retrograde. For us, it’s best to not initiate conflict. Instead, during this Full Moon up until Dec. 22, it’s wise to fortify our base…