Full Moon in Virgo 2023


Joshua MacGuire
6 min readMar 2, 2023
Check out the Tarotscopes on YouTube for this Virgo Full Moon, too.

On March 7, 2023, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo perfect for celebrating and harvesting. Thanks to a harmonious trine with Uranus, this Full Moon will help us experience changes without any upheaval — it’ll be like a gentle touch of vanilla: a warm and earthy a catalyst for a simple, perfected effect. This is an excellent time to get rid of anything that no longer feels good before spring comes. The shifts from this lunation can make life better and smoother, refining your experience.

When Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail meet Uranus’s innovation and freedom from norms, we get a cosmic cleanup of what no longer serves us. You may feel like shaking things up and trying something new, while also paying attention to the practical details that keep you grounded and secure.

During this Full Moon, Uranus’s influence may also bring sudden insights or unexpected surprises that lead you in a new direction. So, go ahead and embrace this chance for a positive transformation in your life!

If you want to know which area of your life will be affected by this cosmic event, check out your astrological chart to see where 16 degrees of Virgo falls. This is where the magic will happen! And, if you’re looking for some smooth-sailing changes, look at where 15 degrees of Taurus is in your chart because…



Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology. psychicsun.com