Determining Your Vision

Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

Joshua MacGuire
8 min readDec 27, 2019


On Thursday, December 26, 2019, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 4° Capricorn. This eclipse should be very beneficial, as the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, abundance, and luck. Unpredictable Uranus is also involved, sending its trademark serendipity to the Sun, Moon and Jupiter. With the eclipse energy being active over the next six months, you can expect change, excitement and surprises this new year.

But what’s got to go? That’s the question.

Eclipses are game changers. During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon is directly between the Earth and Sun. The moon can actually block the sun, temporarily making it go dark. That’s why changes often accompany eclipses, with someone or something being “eclipsed” out of our lives. Sometimes we experience eclipse changes straight away; other times their effects are felt six months to up to a year later. Fortunately, with all the positive aspects, any changes are likely to be very welcome. If anything should be “eclipsed” out of your life, know that it can be leveraged to your greatest advantage. But why not take the bull by the horns and determine your lines in the sand yourself? What exactly are you leaving behind in 2019, so that your new year is all it can be and more?

Maybe you’re no longer willing to be single and want love in 2020. Or maybe you’re done working so hard for meager wages. Perhaps you’re done with one-sided relationships. Or maybe you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, and ready to clean up your diet and exercise more — for realsies this time. Whatever you’re “done” with will create the space for what you want. In fact, in knowing what you don’t want, you are able to determine what you DO want, which is the best thing you can do at this time right before the new year.

To find out which life area the eclipse will light up for you, find out where 4 degrees of Capricorn falls in your chart. Likewise, read your sign and/or rising sign below.

ARIES: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Tenth House of Career. Professional changes are imminent! As you let go of what’s not right for you professionally, you’ll get clear on the contribution you want to make to the world over the next year. New career opportunities are on the horizon, complete with new responsibilities and more acclaim. This is a year of expansion for you professionally: With Jupiter transiting this area of your chart, you have extra mojo at your disposal to rise up the ranks in your chosen field. Use this eclipse to stop chasing mosquitoes — i.e., those professional dealings that no longer punch your ticket — and get clear on where you want to reign supreme. Conceive a vision and step by step up the mountain you go!

TAURUS: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Ninth House of the Higher Mind. This eclipse is likely to give you “itchy feet,” urging you to explore life beyond the familiar. This year, there will be a strong need to expand your horizons: You may decide to take a trip outside of the country (and maybe even stay!) or embark on a new course of study — like philosophy, religion, spirituality or even law. Likewise, the Ninth House rules the dissemination of information, so if you have a message to broadcast or publish, this eclipse can help you get on the world map. Consider, too, your philosophy about life—what makes life worth living? Align what you think life should be with what you do for a decadent new decade!

GEMINI: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Eight House of Rebirth. This area of your chart rules other people’s resources and intimacy, suggesting new beginnings in these areas. The big lessons for you this eclipse are all about boundaries: In 2020, you’ll likely reach a turning point, either deciding to set boundaries with a person or entity (e.g., ending or adjusting a relationship) or dissolve boundaries by going “all in.” Keep flexible and go with the flow, as some things will end and others will begin. In the new year, the stage is set for you to gain by sharing! Get really clear on what you offer — at work, in your relationships, etc. — and get really clear on what you want. Joining forces with others can make you stronger or weaker, so choose wisely.

CANCER: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Seventh House of Partnerships, putting the focus on personal or professional partners. As you ride the eclipse energy over the next year, you may decide to “seal the deal” and take a partnership to the next level . Conversely, you may decide to call it quits. If you’re looking for amazing partnerships this new year, you’re in luck: With Jupiter transiting the relationship area of your chart, the stage is set for you to find the perfect personal and professional partners. As often advised, make a list of your ideals. Determine what kind of person will make you feel balanced, and don’t be afraid to partner up when the right one comes along. Know what you bring to the table, and don’t be afraid to eat alone.

LEO: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Sixth House of Work and Health. This is the year to get your life running like a well-oiled machine! Your health is your wealth, so make that your first priority: the better you take care of your body, the better your performance will be all around. You may feel a strong desire to step up your fitness, and the eclipse energy will help you determine what needs to go, whether it’s a toxic substance, job or person. If you’re looking for new fulfilling work, this year you have an advantage. Consider what you want your day-to-day to be like, and how work can make you feel good, irrespective of the paycheck. How can your job make your heart sing? How can you express yourself most fully?

VIRGO: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Fifth House of Pleasure, covering all things you really love: romance, creative expression and children if you have any. If you’re on the hunt for love, this is the eclipse that could catalyze Prince or Princess Charming’s entry into your life. The stage is set for your joie de vivre, so go out on a limb to play, have fun, and laugh. In fact, with Jupiter transiting this area of your chart this year, fun is the name of your game! If you want to expand, make feeling good, having fun and expressing yourself your highest priority! This year is about getting in touch with your inner child and allowing it to take center stage in your life. In 2020 remember: if it’s not fun, you may be wasting your time.

LIBRA: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Fourth House of Emotional Security. The stage is set for a strong emotional foundation in 2020, from which all other areas of your life will flourish. This new emotional beginning will allow you to feel really at home within the self. To this end, you may decide to make changes to your home — either moving or redecorating to feel more safe and sound. Further, this cycle may have you focusing on your family or loved-ones; consider connecting on whatever level feels safest and most secure. With Jupiter in this area of your chart this year, feeling good, nourished and nurtured is the name of your game: Get the emotional satisfaction you deserve and watch everything else fall into place.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Third House of Communication. There may be lots of communications going on now, foreshadowing a year ahead with a lot of buzz! Keep mindful of your priorities and don’t be afraid to cut out the unnecessary. Implementing mindfulness tactics this year (e.g., meditation, affirmations, etc.) will help keep your head clear. Further, if you have goals pertaining to art, writing, teaching, or learning, your efforts will be catalyzed by the eclipse. In fact, with Jupiter transiting this area of your chart this year, communication is your secret weapon. Don’t be shy when it comes to teaching, learning, writing, speaking — that’s what will help you expand most in 2020.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Second House of Finances and Self-Worth. You’ll likely find a prosperous new financial opportunity this year — and perhaps soon since you’re so swift! The area of your chart being activated by the eclipse pertains to your self-worth and self-expression that, when enhanced, leads to financial gains. New ways of expressing yourself are on the horizon, and these too can lead to more income. Eclipses sometimes help us get out of a rut; if you’re in a lackluster job or relationship that undermines your self-worth, you (or the universe) may shake up the status quo in your favor. This year, it’s all about feeling more valuable and deserving than ever before, and expressing yourself more fully.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your First House of Self-Assertion. Because the eclipse is in your sign, this transit is all about your identity and how you assert yourself in the world — so changes could be everywhere and anywhere. One area primed for change is the way you present yourself to the world: Your new self-image is likely to catalyze a new look, inspiring you to change your style and wardrobe, or get into really good shape. This is likely to be a very freeing transit, in which you discover a new “you” with redefined priorities. With Jupiter in your sign this year, you are destined to expand. This is not the time to hide your light under a bushel; feel good and then get out there in the world and show them what you got.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Twelfth House of the Subconscious. We get in life what we subconsciously believe we are by virtue of like attracting like; therefore, you can use the eclipse energy to rewire your brain with different expectations to set a new story in motion that aligns with your ideals. You can get whatever you desire; you just have to work on creating the beliefs that you can have it. Self-hypnosis, affirmations, meditations, etc. can help. With Jupiter in this area of your chart this year, you will make your greatest gains through your subconscious beliefs. The pictures you paint in your head and the words you say to yourself are KEY. Don’t give yourself the luxury of a negative thought and enjoy yourself.

PISCES: The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will transit your Eleventh House of Hopes, Wishes and Friends. A big dream of yours has a very good chance of materializing in 2020. This is the time to ask yourself, “Why not?” Why not have your heart’s desire? If you believe you can make it happen, you will with your commitment to your ideals. Further, this eclipse will bring your relationships with friends and groups to the forefront. If you need some new friends or a new tribe to inspire you, this is the new moon to create an amazing support system. This year, Jupiter is blessing your hopes, dreams, wishes and ideals — so follow your highest excitement and go for the gold! Amazing friends and communities can be of instrumental help in 2020.



Joshua MacGuire
Joshua MacGuire

Written by Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology.

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