Aquarius New Moon Horoscopes

Breaking New Ground

Joshua MacGuire
5 min readFeb 9, 2024

The New Moon in Aquarius, happening on February 9, 2024, at 20 degrees of Aquarius, marks a pivotal moment for innovation, community, and forward-thinking. Let’s dive into the astrological aspects at play…

Jupiter in Taurus sextiling Saturn in Pisces is about growth meeting stability. Think of it as the universe’s way of saying, “Expand, but keep it real.” It’s an invitation to build on solid foundations without overreaching.

Mars in Capricorn sextiling Neptune in Pisces combines drive with dreams. Mars is all about action, and Neptune blurs the lines between what is and what could be. This aspect tells us to chase our goals with a mix of determination and imagination.

Mercury in Aquarius squaring Jupiter in Taurus presents a challenge: innovative ideas clash with the need for practical application. It’s a cosmic push-and-pull between thinking outside the box and staying grounded.

The Sun and Moon in Aquarius squaring Uranus in Taurus highlight the theme of unexpected changes. This aspect is a wake-up call to break free from outdated values and embrace new ways of living and being.

In our horoscopes, we’ll explore the fresh starts the New Moon offers and how the sextile between Jupiter and Saturn impacts each sign and/or rising sign, guiding you through these cosmic currents. Let’s navigate these astrological waters, making the most of the opportunities they present!


The New Moon falls in your 11th house of friends and groups, lighting up this social sector, Aries. This lunation brings opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your innovative ideas and visions for the future. With Jupiter in your 2nd house forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 12th house, there is potential for finding more meaning and purpose in your work. This may involve helping others in need or contributing to humanitarian causes.


The New Moon falls in your 10th house of career and public status, Taurus. This lunation guides you toward opportunities to showcase your unique talents and inventive ideas professionally. With Jupiter in your 1st house of self forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 11th house of community and groups, there is potential to take a leadership role in collaborative efforts with a wider social impact.


The New Moon falls in your 9th house of adventure and wisdom, Gemini. This lunation helps you expand beyond your usual perspectives by exploring new ideas or higher education. With Jupiter in your 12th house forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 10th house, there is potential to bring deeper meaning or spiritual dimensions into your public roles and career path ahead.


The New Moon falls in your 8th house of intimate bonds and shared finances, Cancer. This lunation is an opportune time to connect more profoundly with a partner or loved one while also getting clear around agreements and investments. With Jupiter in your 11th house of groups forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 9th house of adventure and wisdom, joining efforts with others could expand your knowledge base.


The New Moon falls in your partnership 7th house, Leo. This lunation brings opportunities for beginning new relationships or ventures and infusing them with inventive ideas. With Jupiter in your 10th house forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 8th house, there is potential for collaborations that aid transformation, intimacy, or financial security.


The New Moon falls in your 6th house of daily routine and service, Virgo. This lunation helps begin new habits, healthy rituals, or skills training. With Jupiter in your 9th house forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 7th house of partnerships, this is an auspicious time to commit to growth and adventure with significant others.


The New Moon falls in your expressive 5th house, Libra. This lunation brings creative inspiration you can share joyfully with others. With Jupiter in your 8th house forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 6th house, there is potential for intimate or financially rewarding work tied to wellness, organization, and helping others.


The New Moon falls in your domestic 4th house, Scorpio. This lunation is ideal for nurturing supportive connections with family and focusing on security. With Jupiter in your 7th house of relationships forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 5th house of fun, romance, and creativity — there are abundant opportunities for expressing yourself through partnerships.


The New Moon falls in your communication 3rd house, Sagittarius. This lunation helps you articulate ideas more clearly to others with enthusiasm. With Jupiter in your 6th house of work forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your domestic 4th house — applying structure and responsibility to your job efforts can stabilize things on the home front.


The New Moon falls in your financial 2nd house, Capricorn. This lunation presents a chance to develop fresh income ideas or re-evaluate self-worth concepts. With Jupiter in your 5th house of creativity forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 3rd house of communication — crafting your talents into marketable offerings leads to promising connections.


The New Moon falls in your sign, Aquarius! This lunation renews your passions and visions for the future. With Jupiter in your 4th house of foundations forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your 2nd house of security and self-esteem — nurturing supportive connections aids material stability.


The New Moon falls in your mystical 12th house, Pisces. This lunation guides inner work and spiritual connections. With Jupiter in your 3rd house of ideas forming a harmonious sextile to Saturn in your sign — cultivating wisdom and articulating insights help establish inner foundations.

Be sure to check out the Tarotscopes for this New Moon on YouTube. For personal psychic and astrology readings via Zoom, check out Joshua the Psychic’s website.



Joshua MacGuire
Joshua MacGuire

Written by Joshua MacGuire

(“Joshua the Psychic”) Reader, astrologer and coach expanding consciousness with Law of Attraction and Astrology.

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